17 definitions by Flame

1) Anarchism is a political ideology followed by anarchists. Although many people belive anarchism to be a type of communism, anarchists actually regard communism as state perpetrated captialism.

Anarchism regards any form of heirachical authority system as undesirable and aims to promote a co-operative system of organisation.

Anarchism regards wages, interest and rent as harmful; prefering instead that workers own their own labour.

Many political thinkers see a totaly anarchic system as unworkable, however moderate anarchists do exist in the same way that moderates of other political ideologies (such as conservatism, socialism and capitalism) exist.

Anarchism should not be confused with the pure free-market systems sometimes proposed by, so called, anarcho-capitalists.

2) Anarchism is a philisophical conjecture that the natural state of human-beings is one of social interaction and co-operation as equals.
1) I would like to vote for someone who belives in Anarchism, but they don't often stand for election.

2) In a society organised by Anarchism no-one should force anyone else to do something.
by Flame August 29, 2003
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a dang small little town in minnesota. Quite boring.
I hate the boring town of Chaska.
by Flame April 13, 2005
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Band formed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker of Southpark fame.
Me: Did you here that DVDA track?
Her: What does DVDA stand for?
Me: Well....
by Flame August 29, 2003
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A simple but very effective family of malware spread mainly by stupid Micro$oft users who don't update their system and don't have a virus scanner.
I keep getting bounces from virus scanners that are to stupid to realise that Sobig forges the from address.
by Flame August 29, 2003
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A situation in which two states have enough weapons (typically nuclear) to ensure that should one launch an attack the other would be able to respond in a strong enough way to destroy the attacker. Both would be destroyed.

This situation is supposed to prevent either side from launching such an attack.

The Cold War between the USA and the USSR in the 20th Century is an example of such a situation.
With our stockpiles of nukes we have mutually assured destruction in the case of a launch.
by Flame August 30, 2003
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A small folded piece of paper containing Speed or some other powdered drug.
I can do you a wrap for 10.
by Flame August 29, 2003
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A political ideology which has been applied at many different levels and with many different results. It has evolved over time and has influenced many other ideologies (such as National Socialism, Communism and moderate Liberal Capitalism, Anarchists also ocassionaly refer to themselves as liberal socialists).

Modern socialist ideas are normally based on re-distribution of wealth by means of a progressive taxation system. For example providing a minimum wage for workers and health benfits in times of sickness.

Although socialism has traditionally been associated with public ownership, many Socialist governments (such as the British Labour Party under Tony Blair) now favour a system of "democratic capitalism" where the government and the market co-operate to provide basic services and living standards to the citizens of a country. See also The Third Way.

Socialism is also associated with unionisation, stemming from a belief that workers should not be exploited by artificialy created market conditions. However the intensity of this belief does seem to vary widley across different groups of socialists.
Arthur Scargill's style of socialism is only one of many interpretations, and differs from Tony Blair's style of socialism.
by Flame August 30, 2003
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