18 definitions by Elliot

The 'nice' way of addressing a fat person with a big mouth.
1: She's a bubbly woman.
2: Nope, you're just letting people know she's fat and loud without hurting her. Notice you never meet 'bubbly' thin people.
by Elliot March 11, 2005
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The 5th most common word in the USA, with "give", "me", "another" and "burger", just beating it to the top 4 places.
Give me another burger cos i'm a patriot
by Elliot September 22, 2003
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To grab a chicks boobs in a high school bathroom...probally better defined as "rape", and then getting arrested for it.
Yo, my bizoy Mali pulled a campione on that chick Chaquita today...the A-Town cops nabbed his ass tho.
by Elliot October 28, 2004
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Taking out one's penis and smacking someone in the face with it usually as an act of discipline
"Yo bitch if you don't shut up i will cocksmack you!"
by Elliot May 27, 2005
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huck: to throw, chuck, lob, whatever
by Elliot March 10, 2005
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