16 definitions by Devil

Something that serves no actual purpose, yet is there to make you feel big. Such as an object given to you for winning a game, or a woman.
"This is Barbara, my trophy wife. God, I hate her."
by Devil October 22, 2003
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A chick who doesn't change her panties.
"Damn that bitch is one dirty muthafuckin bird"
by Devil November 29, 2003
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The best noob-bashing, clipping, fighter pilot in any flight simulator.The God of Gods of bombers and fighters everywhere.
Damn that bomber666. He destroyed my whole team.
by Devil March 31, 2005
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When a woman farts during anal sex. For a select few, this is looked at as something lovely or sexy.
When she farted during anal sex, it turned me on so much that I filled her ass completely.
by Devil January 5, 2004
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Whether you're referring to Yugi himself or his "puzzle spirit", he is a unique-looking character with what may be the strangest-looking hair in anime. Along with his red-tint frazzled hair with yellow stripes, he also wears his "Millenium Puzzle" around his neck, and his sense of fashion would suggest that he has a thing for bondage.
"Yugi, trust in the heart of the cards!"
"Shut up, grampa!"
by Devil August 18, 2003
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