62 definitions by Delbosco

Riley, you swore to me, you absofuckinglutely swore to me you weren't going to diddle around with the expense account this time!
by Delbosco October 14, 2021
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I went into the dining-room, and sot down afore a plate that had my name writ on a card onto it; and I did walk into the beef and 'taters and things about east.
by Delbosco October 14, 2021
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Alternative form of afternoon: the time of day from noon until early evening.
A gents' toilet room might be found in a house that caters for the cheaper class of theatrical patronage, where the slangy language of the "goin' to the mat this aft?" style prevails. A gents toilet room is not found in the Southern Hotel. It either "men's" or "gentlemen's".
by Delbosco October 15, 2021
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The (male or female) genitals.
She, with the greatest effrontery imaginable, unbuttons his breeches, and removing his shirt, draws out his affair, so shrunk and diminished that I could not but remember the difference, now cresfallen, or just faintly lifting its head.
by Delbosco October 15, 2021
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… but I had the story from some French officers of distinction, who mentioned the name of the injured and prudent husband, and that he was a person of very high rank. That name, however, even if I had not forgotten it, I should not think it fair to repeat, because it would seem to be a matter of some moment to the gentleman though he was an Acteon, not to be thought so.
by Delbosco October 14, 2021
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