3 definitions by Deez_Nuts

a nice way to describe something that is run down and depleted. the term is attached to objects that owners place greater value on than it is actually worth.
"98 impreza for sale, 240k, all highway miles, runs good doe"

"oh, linda thinks she fine but she got some serious highway miles on that ass"
by Deez_Nuts September 10, 2013
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When pansy bicycle messengers vandalize automobiles with their bicycle lock. Usually because they think they are above the laws of the road yet still want to peddle in it so they sometimes have accidents with automobiles.
ME: "Some sissy on a bicycle just hit my car with a lock"
FRANK: "Why did he do that?"
ME: "Dont know, he was weaving in and out of traffic and I almost hit him."
FRANK:"Ahh, in their little bike world they call that U-Lock Justice."
ME: "Sounds like something a 13 year old made up. LOL"
by Deez_Nuts May 18, 2007
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a disease that predominantly affects people ages 18 onward who often frequent bars and make up stories in a false sense of grandeur to not be overshadowed by his friends and peers. people who suffer from delusional faggot syndrome (D.F.S.) often exhibit primitive behavior, such as recycling uninteresting stories, false claims of wealth, drastically lying about the weight of his sexual partner or just generally being a insecure doucher. although many scientists are debating it's origins, many believe people are born with, thus making it untreatable.
man 1: "damn tommy's delusional faggot syndrome is really getting out of hand, man"
man 2: "yeah he thinks his new camry is a ferrari."

gary says he is a professor at the bar when he gets a few drinks in him, but he's actually a 2nd grade teacher.
by Deez_Nuts November 7, 2013
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