10 definitions by Chingon

Adjective (oo-ee)

Somebody that does something annoying and makes u hate them for no apparent reason. Such as a weird face or a particular catch phrase. Some people might think the "wazzzaaaa" thing from scary movie is "uy."
"I hate when that lady comes in, she always does something uy."
by Chingon December 15, 2005
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To be high or drunk. Most popularly referred to Marijuana.

Etimology: From Distortion Language.

"Migz is blazted again."
by Chingon December 15, 2005
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Too early.

Etimology: from Distortion Language. conjunction of too and early.
"Damn, there's nobody here. I think we're twirly."
by Chingon December 15, 2005
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take a shower.

Etimology: from Distortion Language. Came from rearranging the first letter of the first word and the first two of the second. rearranging the letters of words in some phrases is common in Distortion Language.
"We'll leave right after I shake a tower."
by Chingon December 15, 2005
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To be explosive is to have and/or provide people with drugs or alcohol.

Etimology: From Distortion Language which is widely used in Miami Lakes/Hialeah. Comes from the word blazted thus the provider to the person getting blazted is explosive.
"Dood, I need to get blazted. Are you explosive?"
by Chingon December 15, 2005
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Used as a form to say goodbye between friends.

Etimology: Distortion Language. Used instead of "later."
"alright see u tommorrow, latter."
by Chingon December 15, 2005
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To eat. Coming from a "distortion" language widely used in Miami, Florida. Mostly the Hialeah/Miami Lakes region. A from spanish "Tragar."
I'm hungry, do u wanna trag something?"
by Chingon December 15, 2005
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