4 definitions by Bish

To be used in same context of of Homeboy.
person 1:"Yo my homeslice, holla up in yo face!"
person 2:"Indeed."
by Bish November 24, 2003
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A typographical error during online group or private messages, that leads to the person sending the message red faced and gives others a good laugh.
"I like ass pie"

"Lol ass pie?!?! "

"No!!, I typed Apple!!!"

"The Lyras!!! Lol"
"I meant sweet"

"The Lyras"
by Bish November 27, 2014
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Person who perfers hard-wood over carpet.
Sissy Bish!
Waaaaaaaa cry baby.
"Waaaaa I just got owned!! Someone call me a Waaaaaambulance!"
by Bish April 11, 2004
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Soemthing which is both purple and good.
Transformer1:"Man those purplular energon cubes are fresh!"
by Bish November 24, 2003
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