10 definitions by Apfelstrudel

A towel is a slag expression for a person that smokes a lot of weed and is pretty obvious about it (so people that secretly toke once in a while are not towels). Quite simply, a pothead.
Derived from South Park where one minor character who smokes a lot of weed is a sentient towel.

Sometimes towie is used instead.
McDonald's employee: "Man, we where just about to close down then a group of fucking towels came in and ordered 50 cheeseburgers..."

Man: "Dude, you're such a towel..."
Towel: "No, YOU'RE a towel..."
Man: "No, I am a respectable member of society with a steady job and a loving family. YOU'RE a towel."
Towel: "Oh..."
by Apfelstrudel October 16, 2006
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The act of forming a gun with ones hand, with the index and sometimes also middle finger as the barrel, and pretending to shoot at someone.
Sometimes one exlaims a "BAM!" or "Bam-eti-bam!" at the same time, indicating that one has "bammed" (i.e. beated or mastered in some way" the person being fingerbanged.
Ha, I won! Bam-eti-bam! *fingerbangs*
by Apfelstrudel August 10, 2006
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A swedish punk/metal band with folk influences that no one outside of Sweden has ever heard of, and that too few people even in Sweden know about. Which is a shame because they are one of the BEST BANDS THAT HAVE EVER WALKED THE EARTH!!
Guy1: "What are you listening to?"
Guy2: "Dia Psalma!"
Guy1: "Who?!"
*Guy2 to punches Guy1 in the face and kicks him in the balls*
by Apfelstrudel October 16, 2006
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A blowjob from a hobo. According to Penny Arcade, usually available outside 7-11s late at night.
Hey, homeless person! Here's five bucks for a blowbo, cm'ere!
by Apfelstrudel September 9, 2008
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To "do a tarzan" means to masturbate.
Damn that bitch is hot! I gotta go do a Tarzan, I can't think staight!
by Apfelstrudel August 10, 2006
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Discussing nerdy topics just after engaging in them with the person(s) one engaged in them with, for example discussing a sci-fi movie one has just watched or a game or Warhammer 40K one has just played.
Just like regular people cuddle after sex, nerds (who traditionally don't have sex) discuss after their equalent of sex (games and sci-fi).
Nerd 1: "That sure was an exciting game of Warhammer! Do you wish to nerdcuddle now?"
Nerd 2: "Dude I told you to stop calling it that..."
by Apfelstrudel August 10, 2006
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Universial verb that can be used for everything, much like the word "smurf" in the Smurf universe.
For example: 'Bam it in there' instead of 'put it in there'.
'Bam it to me' instead of 'give it to me' or
'I totally bammed her last night!' instead of, well you know.

Often "being bammed" is used to mean that someone has been beaten or mastered in or at someting.

Can also be mean success, or that one has completed a task or part of a task in a satisfactory manner or that one is pleased with the way things are proceeding.

In the latter case, sometimes "z" or "zu" is put infront of it to make it sound more cool, as in "z'BAM!" or "zu'BAM!"
This is sometimes taken to the extreme with a "zu'BAM-eti-BAM!!" (in which case one often also pretends to shoot at things with ones fingers, called a fingerbang)
Ex 1) I stayed up and studied for hours last night, I'm sure I'm gonna bam that final!

Ex 2a) BAM! A+! Who tha man?

Ex 2b) I asked that cute waitress out and she said yes. Zu'Bam!

Ex 2c) Last night I had sex with her and her sister at once! Z'BAM-eti-BAM, I'm a living GOD!"
by Apfelstrudel August 10, 2006
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