41 definitions by AnTi

REALLY REALLY drunk. like, so drunk you just start saying random shit like "Brain boitano stole our ass spoones" or "stahy away, i go ta niphe".

sober up dude...
by AnTi February 9, 2005
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In CounterStrike, the Autoshotgun. You can spot a noob from a mile away because of the sound.
"shit, you look like a huge walking twat useing the fuckin noobcannon. get some fucking talent."
by AnTi December 1, 2004
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it goes like this. buttload x10 = assload x10 = crapload x10 = shitload x10 = fuckload. metric units are traditionally less, and between the said unit and the one before it.
dude, thats not a shitload. thats barely even an assload. its like, a metric assload.
by AnTi November 23, 2004
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Kick ass artist, and all around lovable and sexy man-beast. Notable for his wonderful Earthbound and Metroid art.
Gonmon has once again set the standard for PWNage.
by AnTi September 22, 2003
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When you jiz on a paper towel (or rag) and then clean the lint off your cock with the dampened towel (or rag).
Mom: Timmy, why is there lint on this paper towel?

Timmy: Swedish rag!
by AnTi January 1, 2005
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1. ME.

2. Someone who is in all ways against any form of established culture, religion, and values.
1. duh.

2. see counter-culture, disestablishmentarianism, punk, and nhilism. "that guy said he's an anti, but practically lives in hot topic. poser.'"
by AnTi February 4, 2005
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pissing in a chicks mouth. Technically impossible with an erection, so it's a common punishment for bad head.
she didn't know how to suck cock. in fact, she was so bad i lost my boner. so i gave her a dirty russin and kicked her out of the car.
by AnTi January 18, 2005
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