Something that is fat, from Latin "obesus" meaning: fat
Stop eating you obese gellatinous blob! You're sweating butter on me!
by Cerpin Taxxt November 9, 2006
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when you're so god damn fat no woman will even look at you let alone want to date you.

You resemble fat bastard and if a female ever does come within your vicinity it's because you most likely have something she wants or she's bored.

She may use you just to laugh at you. That's the worst case scenario.

Yes you resemble fat bastard and suffer from obesity and most likely will never have a girlfriend or be married to a woman.

These fat bastards usually end up all alone with their dogs in a crappy poor apartment.
Check out Salvatore, what a fat ass, that obese pig will never get laid.
by not a fat person November 14, 2008
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1) Fat enough to disgust shallow people.
2) Fat enough to make doctors presume that you eat mass quantities of junk food and never exercise--and therefore, prescribe weight loss as a cure for literally anything that ails you.
3) Having a body mass index over 30, regardless of actual body composition.
"Did you know that according to modern medicine, Joe is considered obese?"
"*Snicker.* Tell me exactly how Joe--Mr. Amateur Powerlifter, who's got a *tiny* beer gut--counts as 'obese.'"
"He's 6'4" and weighs 250#. That's all that counts to them."
by Qit June 23, 2004
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Is a condition which reslults in someone loving their food too much.
That person is obese because they love their food
by Laurah February 6, 2005
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Being morbidly overweight and fat; lack of physical activity
25 percent of obese children do not get exercise.
by lpsgirl426 February 17, 2015
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80% of America

Europe chicks are HOT. American chicks are obese and 10feet large and the earth shakes when they walk..
by Stf_bim May 17, 2007
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