a term used to indicate that no more talkin is needed ands its time to fight
person A: a yo, you bitch ass nigga! I aint paying you shit!
Person B: o you not!!
Person A: Hell fuck naw!
Person B: aight fade!!
by jonjon71689 April 2, 2008
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slowly stop calling, talking to, interacting with a girl in order to purposley lose contact with her
Bobby: dude what happened to Alexa?

Jimmy Bean: I faded her so fast
by pdogs March 24, 2005
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meaning to fight with someone or someone is going to fight.
by Lex March 9, 2005
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to check out; leave the area; pack up and take.
Dude 1: "You guys are gay.com, Im 'bout to fade."

Dudes 2 and 3: "Peace, bitch"
by AxelPee April 21, 2008
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Pleasant trip; higher than the realm of reality and speech. Also used as an explative and catch all for words that escape you while high.
1. Damn, that fucked up my fade. 2. what the fade was that fade, faded up my shit dude
by qupert November 4, 2003
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1) the breaking in of law enforcement upon a gathering, oftentimes containing various illegal intoxicants.

2) a buzz haircut

3) eliminating a person or persons either physically or mentally (by waying of ignoring their existence) - removing them from contact
1) "How was that party?" "Ah it was cool until it got faded."

2) "Did you hear Jeremy got a fade? What a punk."

3) "Yeah we don't talk about Steve anymore, he's faded."
by wrp July 27, 2006
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To sell or short sell a security upon an increase in price with the expectation that said price increase is a precursor to a larger decline in that asset.

Usage: finance, argot.
by econtutor October 17, 2011
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