a bag that you hide your Ds in and if you dont your racist
can also be a bag used to chuck your friend in and bring them to an orphanage.
person 1: he can you pass me my D bag
person 2: no i dont want to

person 1: then you are racist and homophobic
by bigbussywarts March 2, 2022
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chodes; would rather bang their best bro over a slam piece
Matt and Jason McDaniel are d bags
by Idick April 13, 2010
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When referring to internet usage a d-bag could describe:
1. Anyone who uses a blog
2. Someone who posts comments on YouTube
3. People who constantly change their status update on facebook
4. Anyone who even knows what the fuck twitter is and why its relevant

In summary, anyone who uses the internet assuming that their life, thoughts and opinion are of any value to other people...
A: "Hey, I just went to Europe and wrote a blog about it, you should check it out..."
B: "Did the people in Europe realize what a d-bag you were or did they encourage you to become one?"

A: "This video is so funny, I seriously LMFAO =)"
B: " I can see the video just fine without reading your fucking comment...If your not a 12 year old prepubescent girl you probably shouldn't use gay tag lines...d-bag"

A: Hey, did you guys hear about this new thing called twitter?
B: Yeh, I can't believe they made something gayer than facebook...
A: What?! But celebrities write what their thinking and thats really important for my well-being...
B: You're such a d-bag
by halifornication November 10, 2009
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A slang term used to represent the word douchebag. This term can also be used as a pronoun for example instead of saying Hunter one could say d-bag!
When a person is constantly acting like a total asshole that person is being a "d-bag". Take Hunter for example that kid is one total d-bag!
by Jacob Golfman Miller May 31, 2007
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Short for douche-bag. Usually gets more of a rise out of people
Dude, your being a total d-bag...
by HooZen October 8, 2006
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To remove leaves or grass clippings from lawn refuse bags. Can be done by had or with a vehicle.
"Dude, Tommy and I went d-bagging last night! It was awesome!"
by glitteracticacookie November 7, 2008
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Used to describe a pack or friend group of three or more Dylan, Dillon or Dillans.
"Oh, look a D Bag."
"I might hang out with the D Bag at lunch."
"The D Bag invited me to play some basketball."
by -Dylan- September 8, 2020
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