Straight out Lying, twisting the truth and distorting the reality because of a personal agenda.
A "John" asked me for some cash and said he was hungry. I can tell he was going to use to for weed and said to him "Stop CNNing!"

A Call of Duty neophyte named himself the slickest player ever. All of us knew he was CNNing.
by Truth90 December 7, 2021
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Completely fabricating, outright lying 🤥
Jack: I have a million dollars.
John: you are CNNing.
by February 2, 2022
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1. to serve in a corrupt way; to act without any decency

2. to speak irresponsibly, typically through fake news.

a) Western mainstream media have CNNed about a situation in the outskirts of Addis Abeba through fake news.

b) She was CNNing about a fake Tigray genocide.
by Clownery On Clubhouse November 7, 2021
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