I fact checked him after the debate to count every TTT that came out of his mouth in 60 minutes.
by talk2me-JCH2 October 1, 2023
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Trouble in Terrorist town, a Garry's Mod gamemode involving terrorists, traitors, innocents, and detectives.
Guy: Hey, want to play some TTT?
Guy 2: Aw hell yeah imma cut up some TRAITORS!
by Ignited Velocity July 22, 2010
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Schools ranked in third tier according to US News & World Report. Typically used by pre law students on the Princeton Review Board, XOXOHTH.com board to refer to schools that they consider "beneath" them based on their LSAT/GPA scores.
Pace Law is a total TTT!
by Esquire March 28, 2005
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Acronym : To The Top

This is mainly used in discussion boards where you bring your thread back up to the top so others may see it and can respond.
I have to ttt my thread since no one is replying
by alphafemale September 3, 2002
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"That's the truth" Generally used aftere stating a fact or a given.
We're gonna be stuck in this traffic for hours, and ttt.
by anishboi May 31, 2011
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Third tier toilet, a term referring to crappy colleges for idiots.
by I Heart XOXO September 5, 2004
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A 14 year girl just tweeted that donald trump's tie is slightly untied. TTT attacking the child in 3, 2, 1.....
by Iknowthisiknowthis March 24, 2017
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