Synonym for Drugs usually used in a more formal setting like with police
My friend got sent to prison because he was found with illegal substances. He couldn’t even talk his way out of it because he’s such a glassman.
by Sleepdeprived_phoneaddict June 24, 2020
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When someone hands you their phone to show you a photo or text, and you swipe left/right or scroll up or down without permission to.
Dude, I gave Sammy my phone to show her that bitchy text from Alice and she totally started illegal scrolling.
by BaconPancakes February 8, 2015
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Hard labor that any american has to do ( Often upon request of a superior) that makes one question their Nationality/ Origins/ Citizenship.
I was totally doing Illegal Trabaja all day for my boss!!! He made me cut the lawn in front of the office!!! and i am a sales rep.!!!! Am i even American anymore!!!
by GrandRap Godfather July 15, 2008
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If you have windows, your probably experiancing it right now.
(Illegal Operation Popsup) "Hey, wtf? I was reading about how lame Bill Gates was!" (Illegal Operation: That's why this popped up dumbass.)
by DennisTehMenace March 30, 2003
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A person who has no debilitating mental problems, yet still doesn't grasp reality or utilize common sense, even though a wealth of knowledge (the internet) is at their fingertips.
"Emmy thinks if she isn't attracted to someone who hits on her, then it's technically rape. That girl's illegally retarded."
by Iscariom June 6, 2014
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Marijuana cigarette rolled with the finest ganja and a Regal cigarette.
"Has Stueyd been smoking them illegal regals again!?"
by Ph0b0s^ September 26, 2005
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Ray tried to marry his partner but it was found out that his fellow shit stabber was an illegal gaylien.
by paveratti March 10, 2008
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