The strongest, wisest most bad ass of all women. She takes care of every one but seldom herself. She a Phoenix.
by ImMzWright December 18, 2016
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Nicknames can include Sue, Susie-Q, and Feez.

Susans are usually well versed in literature and art, love to read, and enjoy good conversation.

Open-minded and honest, Susans make excellent companions.

If properly taken care of, a Susan will give you love, friendship, laughter and loyalty.

Susans are extremely loyal.
Susan. What a beautiful name, what a beautiful person...
by UrbanKeeper February 8, 2010
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A state of pure turmoil after a heavy night out. Derived from the name Susan Boyle.
by Queef Mcgeef November 9, 2011
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A Susan is a member of the younger generation who is selfish, annoying, and all-around a terrible person. They are a Karen in training. Avoid Susans. They will one day rule PTAs and HOAs. The terror.
"God. Myat is such a Susan. They demanded a refund, but wouldn't return the package!"

"God, I know. Myat is the worst. A total Susan."
by Genderqueerwitchbitch September 11, 2020
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The name homosexuals give to any and all raccoons, regardless of gender, color, location, or sub-species.

A group of raccoons are collectively known as "Susans".
Look at that sweet Susan - doing her Susan things with those other Susans. She's such a fluffy dumpster baby.
by gremlinsnacks January 20, 2023
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A name you give to that one annoying bitch that's always getting on your nerves for sticking their nose into business that doesn't concern them.
It is commonly used on Social Media.
Some random girl: *randomly appears out of nowhere and interrupts conversation* I honestly think that people should be more open to criticism

Me: Okay Susan, no one asked you to put your two cents on every fucking subject
by Taurtlez September 20, 2018
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Noun- A person who is difficult to deal with, usually selfish, uses her zodiac as an excuse, consistently asks to speak to the manager, causes a scene to gain attention, career victim.

Verb- To react overdramaticly, or extreme, as if the world owes you a debt.

Also excellent in Memes.
Noun-a. Did you see that crazy lady over there, she's a Susan!
b. (to someone overreacting) Susan, is that you!?

Verb- a. She blew up my phone all night, she was susaning hard!
b. Calm down, you're susaning!

c. Are you about to susan?
by BGP89 October 10, 2018
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