a fye ass nigga that will bag your moms
ain’t that the nigga who bagged your mom yeah nigga that’s mar
by mar nigga September 17, 2020
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mar is the kind of comedy that uplifts the mood
mar: guys guys
why can’t a nose be 12 inches long?
because then it would be a foot
by DonkeyNeck June 25, 2020
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"And I should know! I'm from MARS!"

"No you're not!"

"Uh?...Mars, Alabama; I founded three colleges there. ^_^' "
by Dave March 30, 2004
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Where we are going to have to move to if Earth keeps on going the way it is right now.
Person 1: Earth is so corrupt that we have to move to Venus!

Person 2: Venus is too hot, we'll have to move to Mars instead!
by SuperFroMan January 9, 2009
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probably a fruity kid. she's the best person you'll ever meet in your whole life. mar is a typical name for someone who's obsessed with anime boys and likes getting pinned against a wall (aka a bottom) love you 🐑
omg, mar is so perfect for me!
by M4N0U August 31, 2021
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mar won’t stop calling me vladence
by xxxtentaclefan69 October 20, 2019
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As heard in a New Zealand drink-driving campaign.

NZ Slang for pain in the arse or menace.
"Steve, you're such a Marness!"
"You're a Marness!"
"You listen to a-Marness Morisette!"
by Lord of The Marness September 25, 2007
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