something that bitches uses against men
"you cant hit me i'm a woman" as double standards
by daddysaddy April 27, 2022
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Person 1: Can you let me off the bill, please?

Person 2: Sure, but standard contract will apply.
by geoshelley November 26, 2013
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They put the murder staNdard to my head hoop my house into my pockets and fingered me
by Cody5050 January 24, 2022
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It is a complex mathematical algorithm, that defines any Alpha Irish male's exponential decay of standard for a female companion for the night. The two variables of this algorithms are,

1) how much Guinness he had so far &

2) what time of the night it is.

JB Standart has a inverse exponentially proportional relation with these two variables. As night goes on, and the more he has to drink; the lower his standard gets.
John: Yo Milton, what's the JB Standard for her
Milton: 3 Guinness down by 9, she will be a 9.
by Mathgeek. May 6, 2016
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"Stop That Awful Noise!" A "nuclear-level" version of da "first-and-foremost" or "usual" or "most frequently voiced" order --- "Be quiet" --- dat parents give their small children on innumerable occasions.
Lucy van Pelt super-loudly passed along da STANdard parental-directive from her mom --- a gentle request dat she and her visiting friends play their raucously-loud "cowboys and Indians" game more quietly --- to her toddler-brother Linus when he'd merely been shaking his baby-rattle; da joke, of course, was dat (A) da merely-faint sounds dat Linus was making were hardly even audible (especially compared to all of da shrill-'n'-noisy "shoot-'em-up bang" whooping and hollering dat Lucy and her friends had previously been carrying on with), and (B) she herself had absolutely b-e-l-l-o-w-e-d (indicated by a sawtooth-edged word-balloon instead of just a regular smooth words-enclosing line) said command ("Didn't you hear Mother?! STOP THAT AWFUL NOISE!!"), and so she herself was making an infinitely-louder racket than Linus had ever produced.
by QuacksO March 22, 2023
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Ap·pa·la·chian (noun)
\ˌa-pə-ˈlā-ch(ē-)ən, -ˈla-, -sh(ē-)ən\
a native or resident of the Appalachian mountain area

The Appalachian Standard is a sexual position in which a male homosapien has a female in the standard missionary position while having her large breast in the headlock.
As he thrusted his purple headed warrior into her quirvering mound of love pudding; he carefully positioned himself to conquer her large breast in the The Appalachian standard sexual position.
by JayT.P a.k.a frognuts November 26, 2011
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The feeling you get toward someone when they always feel they need to be the center of attention.
“David’s never chill man, he’s always on some standard pussy shit.
by Tiny meat May 8, 2019
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