Urban Dictionary is made by a community of millions, including you. Anybody can post a definition, but in order to keep things fun for everyone, we ask that you follow a few ground rules:

Write for a large audience. When defining a word, make sure to provide enough context for other people to understand what it means and how it’s typically used. Need a little help? Look to our Word of the Day for some examples.

Be creative. Some of the best definitions on Urban Dictionary find humorous ways to poke fun at authority, or put a clever twist on current events. Some of them are just straight up weird. We’re okay with that.

Have fun. We are not a traditional dictionary. This is a place where language has a little more space to be explored and constructed freely, in the moment.

Don’t post personal information. That includes obvious things like last names and addresses, but we will also remove definitions containing first names or user handles if they can be used to identify and target specific individuals for harassment.

Don’t be an asshole. We are okay with people defining offensive words. After all, people use offensive words in the real world and a resource for understanding what those words mean can be valuable. However, we are not—and never will be—okay with people using a definition to harass, discriminate, and/or directly incite violence against others.
What was the point of putting the Urban Dictionary content guidelines here if there's already just that at the top of the page though?
by YTR76 January 2, 2023
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Guidelines are another way of saying rules, but more specifically said.
by BiII Cipher April 25, 2023
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As the guideline states, do not eff my mother. You ignored the guideline.
by Somegregoryguy January 23, 2023
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A group of people was trying to find out how much further they could go, how much more people would allow, how much longer it would take them to realize the crisis wasn't going to end without them fighting the folks behind the guidelines and restrictions.
by Solid Mantis December 2, 2020
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A way to try and force people to behave in a way they've never behaved before while calling it a new normal.
The guidelines and restrictions were a totalitarian government taking shape.
by Solid Mantis December 2, 2020
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word Why did the chicken cross the road?
def: because he was dead!

editor 1: haha rofl
editor 2: no, denied
editor 1: you have too pub! Editor Guideline 6!
by tomaetom December 13, 2009
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