Emblem of chic and elegance, sophistically light-bodied, sparkly and bubbly, tastefully surprising with a charming yet enchanting bouquet of aroma for the nose, brut sometimes dry or fruity, it will gets you dizzy while her subtle flavors makes it an exquisitely refined and a rare vintage of complexity and simplicity.

These few words summarize accurately few of the common attributes that exists between Jillian and Champagne.

I love them both, and would consume them indefinitely...
This champagne vintage is a rare Jillian!
by MichkaB February 16, 2010
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The first thing that comes to mind when I hear Jillian is the word altruistic. Meaning-the principle or practice of unselfish concern for devotion to the welfare of others . The next thing that comes to mind is an absolute crackhead. I cannot describe to you the things a person named Jillian will call to tell you about at 3am in the morning. Whether it's a facetime of her standing on the toilet seat because she was attacked by spiders, almost dying from doing her nails, being haunted by ghosts, or having their house broken into; she will call you.

It's a known fact that 99% of the people named Jillian are arachnophobia. All Jillian's are very well versed in sarcasm, and are most potent with it as soon as they wake up. Jillian is an extremely hard working person, and will sacrifice their sleep if that's what it takes to succeed. Most Jillian's believe they are not pretty, but I know a fact she's unbelievably sweet, caring, and beautiful.

Jillian special talents include having incredible luck with guessing, saving money even though they're shopalcoholic, driving abilities, and most importantly cheering you up even on the worst of days. Jillian's will have many plans for the future, and for some reason love school. Jillian's make people around them a better person, and always treats them with kindness even on their worst days. I'm glad I am with Jillian, and given chance to be with one.
Oh, you're dating Jillian, lucky
by PoloEmployee May 22, 2020
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Jillian is a crazy weird child. She is fearless and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She'll talk to you and will keep talking. If you take time to really know her past all of her craziness you'll become best friends with her and you guys would be partners in crime. She'll like multiple guys and pandas. Once she likes someone she may just end up stalking them until she no longer like them. She also likes sheep.
Jillian was a crazy child that didn't care about what anyone thought.
by Kaycee.dawn April 10, 2019
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That awesome girl you really loves science. She's tall and smart. She is an outside.
Yo, Mr. White maybe Jillian can help us on this batch!
by Wearealldying! March 25, 2015
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Jillian is the funniest girl u will ever meet, she’s nice to everyone but she’s not afraid to stick up for her friends and herself if she has to. She’s super cute and she really cares about her hair at all times. She is friends with everyone and she loves to meet new people, she is also a mans lady, she loves to talk about the cute boys and hang out with them to. She is also the best at sports and she’s a soccer type of girl also loves sports like basketball and hockey.
Tom “Hey who’s that girl?”
Nick “That’s Jillian, she’s so hot and I heard she’s so funny?”
Tom “oh rly
Nick “I call her!!”
by Suahahysh April 26, 2019
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Jillian is a sweet, funny, and very adventurous girl. But if you mess with her or her friends you better know what's coming. Because she will beat your ass if you deserve it. She loves to cuddle with anyone especially her boyfriend. And will be a great mother someday! Everyone loves a Jillian.
Boy #1: Omg, is that Jillian?

Boy #2: You know what, I think it is!

Boy #1: Dayum, she lookin' like a whole snack!
Boy #2: Not even, more like a 3 course meal!
by !HeyGirlies!O1 June 21, 2019
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