That Batista, he uses steroids.
by bastion booger July 29, 2005
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Wrestler who is complete crap. Nicknamed Botchtista because he botches a lot of moves.
I hate Botchtista, just like I hate Randy Boreton and the Game-uuuuuuuuuh.
by AJAW July 19, 2004
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Overhyped wrestler who only does three moves - clothes-line, spine buster and the "Batista Bomb", which is nothing more than a mundane powerbomb.

No doubt he'll beat Triple H at Wrestlemania because the fans love him. Even though he's a steroid pumping freak of nature.
JR - "Spinebuster on Ric Flair... The nature boy gets up gets a clothes-line. Flair gets to his feet and gets a "Batista Bomb" wow batista what an animal".
by Akuma March 26, 2005
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An enchantment pill made by Dave Batista which increases your muscles in size. This method makes you instantly a Dave and no one in mankind can stop you
Bruce: Hey Dave is there any way i can increase my biceps size?
Dave: Let me show you the Batista pills i produced.
*Bruce eats pill*
*Bruce becomes Hulk*
by Koulas March 26, 2018
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The dictator of Cuba before Fidel Castro. He served as the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944 and the us-backed military dictator of Cuba from 1952 to 1959. He repressed political opponents and killed an estimated 20,000 people. He made the country a country of gambling, prostitution and drugs.
Fulgencio Batista was the military dictator of Cuba between 1952 and 1959.
by LumiNyte March 7, 2021
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One of the lesser known sexual taboos. Practiced mainly in Zambia, it consists of "dropping a deuce" into your partners mouth. Next, the "bomber" gags the their lover in an effort to trap the excrement. Finally, party A punches the victim repeatedly until they:
A) Swallow the feces, and/or
B) Pass out.

A common misconception arose when professional wrestling commentators mislabeled a "Brooklyn Bomb" as a "Batista Bomb." This has been acknowledged by the pair, Michael Cole and John Bradshaw Layfield, in a highly-publicized press statement regarding the humiliating mistake.
Krystal and I had two hours till work, so i gave her a Batista Bomb
by Joey Orgler October 20, 2007
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Doing a Batista is when someone is circling around something and can't catch it for some odd reason. The source of this expression comes from the game Rocket League when a famous player - Batista - tried to catch a boost for a long time.
I can't help you, because I'm doing a Batista at this boost.
by zh3ng January 25, 2017
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