por faver is an american trying to speak spanish and usually messing up horribly
mexican 1: hola como estas
tourist : oh um olah como eastaz me tourist
mexican 2: oh god it's a por faver
by snappleeater999 February 27, 2017
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This is a very intricate word in espnol. Asking it in a question like manner will result in asking WHY? However, declaring it will resoult in stating because.

-"I am gay"
-"Por que?" (WHY)
-"Por que I want to be with men." (BECAUSE)

by TEQUILLA jones May 18, 2008
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Combining "por favor" (please) and "gracias" (thank you) into one phrase in order to say both at once.

A fast way for a non-spanish speaking person to say please and thank you to a spanish-speaking person.
Hey Juan would you bring me another margarita por fagracias?

Pedro would you mow my lawn tomorrow por fagracias?
by u8junk February 22, 2010
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A cuss word used by Cantonese chinese people to discriminate on a female, Meaning; (Fat Bitch)
'You can have the rest of my food you, Far Por'

'you look like a, Far Por'
by Mr T April 13, 2004
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a plea for something to be done, quickly and effieciently. street equivalent to "pretty please with sugar on top"
nigga, get me them chips, por please.
by s-to-the-b August 11, 2006
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