1. when you don't know where they're from, so you try and be all- inclusive.

2. when you make something the whole world will see, and don't want to offend someone
person 1: Hey! do you like the colo(u)r of my shirt?

person 2: Yeah! it looks amazing!
by Hiken8tor May 27, 2021
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Some guy who talks a lot about junior grimes on urban dictionary and then gets a 100% like ratio for some reason
I really am clueless on why U R clueless definitions are so liked
by U R clueless fan June 17, 2023
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U R TIME means something like OMG U R SO L33T, or OMFG <3 U. A general expression for being elite.
It was coined at winprog when someone was trying to say "your time" but instead said "you're time".
omg if this works U R TIME!
by magey February 17, 2004
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the most common fraise from spodermen
ta fegit ova der hes no snepbec oon walks over to him and says u r en fegit which is truly say you are a faggot
by urenfegit January 4, 2014
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A "hidden message" in the box art of the popular video game Super Mario Galaxy for the Nintendo Wii. On the box art, there are small stars next to certain letters of the title, and the stars are over the letters "U", "R", "M", "R", "G", "A", and "Y", in that order, spelling U R MR GAY. This has since become an internet phenomenon.
Guy 1: Did you hear about the hidden message on the box art of Galaxy? It says "U R MR GAY".

Guy 2: Yeah, only about 50% of the posts in video game forums have that sentence in them now.
by jjjjjjjja December 7, 2007
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What occurs when one is at the beck and call of another individual through some action of upper hand
U-R-Owned by Politi! Learn to dance backwards, big guy... cause U R OWNED !!!
by LSS July 12, 2005
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