dude, when tf does the game start?

lol, dude dk

OMG, when do i get my period????

O.O yru asking me? dk???
by Asscakes July 11, 2009
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Marissa: Hei, where is Andrew?
Jasmine: Dk
Marissa: hm, hate when he disappears like that and dosent say anything.
by cinevaul May 3, 2022
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A very large black male with a large phalice and if anyone steps to him he out the gatt and caps niggas he makes for a good mate overall and if you piss him off he verbally picks you apart with his quick whittled attitude sometimes walks like a woman
“Damn is that the real dk,lemme suck his cock”
by Children like me December 14, 2021
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The work "DK" is slang/ an abbreviation for the phrase "Don't Care". Some people may think it should be "DC" because of the phrase's initials. But DK.
"Bro I think we have history homework due tomorrow"
"DK, I already passed the class"
by MANZA445 February 28, 2021
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Acronym for "Dirty Kid": A social class defined by the drinking of mountain dew, running around into each otehr during school, hanging out at school after schoolhours have passed by because they are so poor and so sad because their parents hit them so much, skateboarding in school hallways.
Wow, look at those DKs drinking their mountain dew listening to death metal.
by DKpatrol May 26, 2006
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A "Dirty Kid" is someone who fails to shower on a regular basis. Often travle in packs and love montain dew. If you at any type of school and you see a group of kids sitting out side after schools out these are mostlikley dirtykids and be aware they are crazy.
Me: Hey timmy isn't that a dk playing tag through the halls and drinking Mountain dew?

Timmy: oh heck yah it is!
by Cheda B May 29, 2006
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Short for dunkno, meaning you should know or an approval of something sick.
Was originally used just in text form as an acronym, but now is commonly said out loud. Also a tendency to use more than one 'K' as the K is emphasised when spoken.
1. Just scored a sick goal on fifa DK

2. DKKKK manz of a fat night out
by Chazzypoon May 13, 2013
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