Sherry French “Dear One” or “Darling”. When people hear the name “Sherry”, they think of someone who is mysterious, intellectual, and respectful. Others see you as an intellectual and as an aristocrat. Also known as a fortified bottle of wine originally and mainly from Southern Spain.
Sherry is a mysterious, intellectual woman. Sherry is a dry wine which is very enjoyable z
by Fine Wine February 3, 2022
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very smart, sexy, and powerful. Has a heart of gold.
The top of the class. Sherri would save the world if she could.
by Channel5 February 3, 2010
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Sherri's are always so difficult to figure out, but once you get the time to know them you will have the time of your life. They are always the hottest, cutest, and most friendly girl wherever they may be. Sherri's make friends very quickly and you will always hear people saying "I love you" to her. Most guys want her..but can never get her. It's just the game she plays and takes a real guy to win. Sherri's aren't prudes but don't take well to relationships, usually because it's so hard for people to figure them out. Sherri's are amazing kissers, they are also amazing at other things too..that's the benefit of dating a Sherri.
guy1 - That sherri girl is so hot, i wonder if she ever notices me

guy2 - haha man you wish, she's talking to eight guys i heard

guy3 - shit man that sucks, i also wanted her. she's a real cutie
by JETSfan69 January 28, 2011
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Sherry \sh(er)-ry\ is pronounced SHARE-ee. The name is of English origin. Variation of the French "chérie" meaning "beloved". Women with this name are often described as kind, intelligent, mysterious, elegant and sexy. Usually of the most intriguing and beautiful people in the world.
Mon chérie, je vais toujours vous adore.
My beloved, I will always love you.
Sherry is so many things, but mostly she's amazing!!!
by am starstruck February 3, 2010
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(1) Euphoric pleasure rendering ones body unable to move.

(2) A secret fantasy that becomes a once in a lifetime reality.

(3) Addiction at 1st sight...overdose welcome and intervention be damned!!
You haven't experienced total gratification until you've been sherried.

I'm the luckiest person in the world because I sherried my fantasy.

Please, I want to be sherried over and over again and never let go...NEVER!
by IcedSilvr June 27, 2010
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I great gal, a rare find for any man not wanting a crazy bitch for a girlfriend or wife. Being loved by a Sherri is the greatest love you can find. Easy to get along with, funny, great in bed, can cook her ass off. When in doubt, Sherri's give good advice even though sometimes has trouble taking her own advice. Very dependable, loves a good mojito from time to time, and is always ready for an adventure or getaway...loves her children with all her heart, mind, body and soul.
1. Man, my girlfriend made me an awsome meal tonight, she can cook like a Sherri.

2. My old lady wacked me over the head for not cleaning the sink after I shaved, she's certainly not like a Sherri.
by crabbypattylover February 3, 2010
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