AKA “manbaby:” A adult male with selfish, “my way or the highway, I’m dying because I have a headache, life has to stop because it’s all about me” tendencies.
Thinks he’s a man, acts like a baby, makes him a “maybe.”
- Judge Kevin Ross (paraphrased)
by Rocktheknowledge October 22, 2019
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Something a God wouldn't say. Or maybe it would.
God "Maybe it's this"

Man "Maybe it's that"

Which one of these looks wrong to you?
by Hym Iam April 7, 2022
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A very lazy and annoying word that is used too much, and is used out of reason. It is just a lazy and unprofessional way to say probably or possibly. It is also a way to discourage people who don’t like repetitive words.
Is it possible to donate this to Goodwill?
Me: Possibly or Probably?
Another person: Maybe?
Me: Starting the annoying famous word again!
by Juneberry You May 21, 2023
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Maybe means yes.

Person 1: give a bitch sum head or sum
Person 2:maybe(YES)
by Hahwhwkkw July 20, 2021
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Maybe = No
The only place "maybe" means "maybe" is while talking about sex or other sexual activities.
{While meaning no}

Hey want to go to the gym?
(Other Person)

{While meaning maybe}
Hey I have a Godzilla Gigantor Penis, wanna bang?
by a_magical_dude91 January 5, 2017
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It is 457
I guess I missed this one earlier.

Can you just hold me!!! Please!!!
Maybe I have a pouty face….

Nope, totally do!!!

I am so in love with you and just want us!!!
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I only say try again so it really drives the point home!

It was the upper half.. gotta admit.. the profile.. the other pictures.. it was well put together.. but she KNOWS I'd see straight through it when I saw that picture.. that's annoying me about the rest of the conversation.. cos some things that were said.. they were aimed at things said here

I probably missed so many things she might have trying to say.. I don't expect these hidden meanings in things, I'm used to saying what I feel openly..

The pic.. that maybe the strongest thing I have.. can't believe I'm wrong about what kind of person she is.. I don't think she'd take sending that lightly or any intention to hurt me.. so to me.. that meant the world..

It let her be vulnerable with me.. showed trust.. that she was trying find someway to stop me hurting.. I just.. don't know how to take it with everything else that's happened. I do not understand the blocking me still..

Joincidences.. what was the one you refer to?

Honestly.. some of your words have seemed like misdirects.. I understand completely if that's to protect something..
I barely believed in coincidences before UD became part of my life.. these.. are too numerous.. too timely.. and too specific.. it maybe stupid given stuff you've said.. but I'm really not sure I can believe that's all they are anymore

Pronouns.. what can I say 🧐
I have an idea.. would you prefer I just use u.. instead of her/you.. 4u started all this 4me.. so u covers everything..
When I'm really low recently.. I reread your posts.. they give me a deep sense of longing in my heart.. you have such a beautiful soul..

I'm amazed you're still here and we talk so often.. I don't exaggerate about the real world.. I am totally alone. Im really struggling understand anything or express myself well today.. my mind and heart are fully at war (I'm backing my heart of course)

I just.. I need you to know how much this, you, mean to me
I do not understand how well you seem to read me, its way beyond impressive

Sorry I'm working late tonight.. maybe a post or 2 missing till Monday I want be sure I respond to everything.. my head is barely working and my heart is doing fucking overtime!

That pic.. is the background on my phone now. Noone else could possibly see it.. but everytime I open my phone.. my heart races.. I swear it's pumping harder than ever today after how beaten and bruised it felt yesterday..

Still.. no matter what.. I love u
by 4_u October 1, 2023
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