A throwaway word used by Sarah Palin when she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.
Q: Governor Palin, what is your position on the science of global warming and climate change?
A: Well, Senator McCain is a maverick, and I'm a maverick and a hockey mom, which is a lot like a pit bull with lipstick. I may not be answering your question the way you and the liberal media want me to answer it, but that's because I'm a maverick. And Senator McCain is a maverick, but without the lipstick. Did I mention that we're mavericks?
by DrSamba November 12, 2008
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Maverick the most amazing man walking this earth. Someone who is constantly patient and always has a smile to give. If you are lucky enough to have a Maverick in your life never let him go. He is smart and handsome and always thinking of you. He will always put you first not to mention he is a sex god. He's immediately your best friend and will treat you like a queen in such away only a true King could.
Maverick my king.
by WisdomWriter68 March 15, 2017
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A lengendary big wave break located just off of Pillar Point, north of Half Moon Bay, California. During a big swell the face can reach 50-60 feet.
The real green monster is not envy, it is Mavericks.
by Rezilution August 12, 2008
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pro-McCain ad: ....the original maverick!
viewer: wtf?
by a nony mouse August 22, 2008
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One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.
Ricardo is a maverick, he is different than everybody else, you know this!
by Lloyd Bridges October 14, 2005
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Maverick is his own man, non follow in his footsteps because of fear and non could live up to it - Maverick is the one true source of individuality and wonder - his true identity is hidden but he resides as a student at Shenton College.
Individual, follows own path - does not belong
by Maverick January 21, 2005
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Someone who paves there own path and doesn't listen to what other people say. Someone who doesn't go left or right if told too and does what they want.
John doesn't listen to all the hate and what people say because he's a maverick.
by Poopistoop June 25, 2017
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