Rhea is a beautiful, caring, baddie. They can be annoying sometimes but if you get on their good side, they will give you free ginger ale cans. They also might be obsessed with anime (not always).
Hmmmmm what’s the name of that one girl in math?
oh her? that must be rhea!
by ariel_ryan May 7, 2021
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1. Classical Mythology. a Titan, the daughter of Uranus and Gaea, the wife and sister of Cronus, and the mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hades, Demeter, and Hestia: identified with Cybele and, by the Romans, with Ops.
2. Astronomy. one of the moons of Saturn.
3. (lowercase) either of two South American, ratite birds, Rhea americana or Pterocnemia pennata, resembling the African ostrich but smaller and having three toes.
4. (reality) simply fabulous.
Hey, there's Rhea, that fabulous girl!
by Knowering October 31, 2008
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Someone who is amazing and all caring. Smart, intelligent, and always willing to help and be there for others. Someone who is the most not normal person on earth, because they are them, and that makes them incredible. They stick by their friends and are there to make your day everyday no matter what.
That Rhea is the best thing that could have ever happened to me, ever.
by peacefulcheast31 December 31, 2018
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the AWESOMOest and COOLiOest girl EVERR.! ;
She iss the BOMBB like tick tickk ;
oh Shit, look at THAT Rhea!

-->>accordingg to jelloo<<--
by iloveRICE! May 13, 2009
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An amazing dancer, and a super gorgeous girl. She always tells you what you need to hear, and has multiple different persons; Rhea, a friend, and the therapist. She is amazing at advice, and never judges you. She is super smart, and doesn’t mind if you’re a year younger than her. If Rhea is your friend, don’t lose her
“ I met a girl today, she was amazing!”
by Ms. Dolan February 4, 2019
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When a person gets so excited they cant contain their happiness...and they fall.
"hey look Rhea fell again"

"Im so happy" *falls* "Im ok!"
by scurran November 2, 2009
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Rhea is a kind loyal person. She can be awesome, but a Bitch!
by November 8, 2020
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