A word used by computer geeks to say that someone is a slow or dull person.
Oh, that guy is such an Intel Pentium.
by Beter Griffin December 6, 2017
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Latest and greatest of the Pentium series up to 3.06 GHZ with hyper threading
My pentium 0wnz your AMD!
by Galkan Sausage August 16, 2003
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God's gift to the world of the pc. A processor with a fast system bus, advanced multitasking abilities, and an incredibly high clock speed.
My computer has a pentium 4
by some one September 14, 2003
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Another one of Intel's attempt at outdoing AMD. Although the advance hyper threading and large pipeline aloud for high clock speeds, Intel was, once again, superseded by AMD. The Pentium 4 provides a good example of the "megahertz myth". AMD's athlon and Motorola's powerPC's simpler design ultimately allowed for higher performance with a lower price and a reduction in heat creation. As a computer specialist I must say that P4's in general perform the same way. They perform single task quickly, but they loose their gusto once you try running more than 1 thing at a time. If you're looking for something speedy, look for a RISC based processor like the powerPC, next in line is AMD. But stay away from Intel, especially Netburst based processors.
Joe: Hey i just got a new Pentium 4 computer!

Me: Dude, you'll regret it.


*the next day*

Joe: My computer froze while i was watching the Brave Little Toaster on DVD!

by the medicus December 29, 2010
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Quite possibly the world's fastest and most well designed desktop processor. A chip specifically designed for the desktop and not a repackaged server processor. Features advanced multitasking capabilities and a 64 bit system bus.
I have a pentium 4 in my computer that will make your amd cry.
by dunno October 4, 2003
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One of the shittest microprocessors ever made. It had the qualities of being hot, expensive, and slow, it was quite a feat for one processor to suck so bad. Not only that, but it came with the whiniest, shittest little fan ever.

Meanwhile IBM and Apple had the G3, which was 10x as fast, cheap, and ran without a fan. The cheapest Mac available at the time, was faster than the fastest Intel PC, and people say there expensive. AMD were rocking socks as well.
Martha killed herself after she realised she just spend $2000 on a large, expensive, room heating, paperweight, aka a Pentium 2.
by nevit July 29, 2008
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Used to describe a player that experiences frequent FPS drops and lag due to a cheap low end PC

Etymology: From Intel's Pentium processor series (low end processors of Intel) + poor
You are really a Pentium poor with that PC
by Rektz October 5, 2019
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