A big fat new user who can't drive in PUBG. Pretty much the definition of a failure. Every time you crash in PUBG, you pulled a Panders. If you are a failure, your life is a panders.
Me: *crash car in PUBG*
Friend: You just pulled a Panders god dammit.
by BreakShooter123 February 12, 2018
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A woman or man who agrees with anything a man says just to feel accepted or wanted. A person who will double cross you for some dick. A thirsty individual who uses social media to look for dick.
Some women join social media groups just to start dick pandering
by Danidiva78 January 5, 2017
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Similar to black panther. A person who panders to black people (typically whites) because of their own guilt, fear, or self esteem. They typically are democrats who enjoy using a race card for their own self interests.
He’s a black pander when he acts like he cares about racism.
by Facts92 March 3, 2020
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-An individual of a marginalized demographic (PoC, LGBTQ, etc) who espouses views that are antithetical to the character, societal harmony, and well-being of their own demographic for the purposes of profit.

-An individual who espouses views that traditional adversaries of their own race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or identity, gender, or other cultural disposition, agree with and react by in some way compensating the individual either directly or indirectly.

- An individual who seeks profit by compromising their own demographic, specifically using media and networking.

Etymological/Cultural note: "Trash Panda" is a linguistic reference to a raccoon, due to the observation that raccoons invade trash containers looking for food, and they are somewhat 'panda' like. "Trash Panderer" was deliberately constructed to reflect a racial epithet that is currently being used by people of the Black community to describe black people who espouse an anti-black narrative for profit.
-"Candy Orrins is a straight coon ho!"
"Yeah, that trash-pandering b*tch is pulling down cash by stomping on us."

- "Mike Massaw, black man turned white-trash panderer..."

- "He's telling homophobes that gay men are child molesters. That makes him a hypocrite and a trash-panderer."

- "Conservatives love a trash panderer to come along and tell them they're 'Totally Not Racist™', they love hearing a black woman tell them that."
by BsBuzzsaw August 16, 2020
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Pandering to anyone and everyone with a vagina. Chick flicks, feminism, oprah, and commercials that tell women how hard it is to be a mom are all vagina pandering. Often it involves flattery, more often it involves a perception of vagina owning people being oppressed. But most often it involves flattering vagina owning people by telling them how strong they are for putting up with oppression. Some men vagina pander to get vagina. Advertisers vagina pander to sell things.
Vagina panderers desperately want women to have bad taste, because then they will buy anything so long as it flatters their ego.

This article is so rife with vagina pandering, i can feel the menstruation spewing out of my nose.
by A "professional" December 14, 2015
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Asians with der squinty pander eyes and there crazian asian hypnotist glare...
Ex. 1: "Stop looking at me you panders, you makin me a dizzy"

Ex. 2: "What kind of panders are yooouuuu?"
by Kolomay October 13, 2008
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A candidate running for political office who shamelessly attempts to lure in votes by making patronizing and empty concessions and shows of support for particular special interests.
Observer 1: OMG did you see how John McCain has started hanging out with that crazy guy who runs a megachurch in Georgia to try to get the evangelical vote?

Observer 2: yeah, what a Pander Bear.
by chrlz qr March 24, 2008
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