After intercourse, when the male gets up to leave the female's place, he wipes his penis on her curtains.
"I snuck out while she was asleep, but before I left I gave her the Martha Stewart."
by WhoMe December 16, 2004
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an old women that makes crafts and a home things for family pople. she ha a cooking show too.
Go suck on martha stewarts sagg tities, and become a millionaire!
by Anonymous October 12, 2003
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After a One-Night Stand the Male reaches over wipes his Pecker and sack off on her curtains and leaves the house after making a sandwich.
Jimmy went to the club and picked that girl up once and pulled the Martha Stewart.
by lipstick out February 23, 2010
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a person who cooks cookies for Peter and Ryan.
Are you Martha Stewart?
by fasdfsn January 23, 2013
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Girl giving you a blowjob while making you a sandwich.
Hey yo man, this girl gave me a terrific Martha Stewart the other day.

Just got the greatest Martha Stewart from her.

Dude I just want a Martha Stewart!
by Token and Pledge February 10, 2009
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1) 21st century entrepreneur whose failed personal life spawned a successful career in life style television.

2) An act of defecation related revenge. When thoroughly aggravated by a friend or loved one, discreetly remove a towel or sheet from the bottom of their linen closet. Carefully unfold said article, take a hearty steaming shit, refold to conceal fecal surprise, and replace at the bottom of the pile. Typically the "Martha Stewart" is not discovered until the entire closet smells like a Tijuana whorehouse.
1) I hope the SEC violates Martha Stewart in the ass with a lead pipe for her insider trading.

2) The guy working at the GAP was a real asshole so I pulled a "Martha Stewart" on a pair of jeans out on display near the counter he was working. I folded and replaced them, so I hope he has a pleasant smelling afternoon.
by Ted June 17, 2003
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