If someone (the player) is good at something (the game), don't hate them for it, hate the thing they are good at, because you arent good at or even in the game.

The word player used in this sentence can be confused with the sexual definition of a player.
Person beaten in basketball: "get the fuck out of here with that bullshit"

Winner: "don't hate the player hate the game"
by The Mother Fuckin' King November 2, 2016
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Originating from lyrics in Ice-T's song "Don't Hate the Playa", it was taken as a motto by the Pick-Up/Seduction community as a way of saying "don't hate the guy who's using seduction technics, hate the system that made him do it".

It is both a justification and critic of the men-women social (and some would say biological) dynamics, that entices men (and sometimes women) learning and using highly elaborate methods, sometimes seen as manipulation or social engineering technics, for the main purpose of seducing a women (or man).

It is often justified as a mean to one's end by the argument that "women are wired either biologically or socially such a way that, you HAVE to follow or use particular steps or methods, either naturally or by learning them, in order to seduce a women". Some people going further argument that "women have no choice in the way their brain and emotion are biologically wired, meaning they have no choice in the way they respond to men and seduction, so men have sometimes no choice but to apply these seductions methods of which the practice is called The Game".
- "Man you really played hard to get with this girl"
- "Well don't hate the player, hate the game"
by Augure July 20, 2015
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Don't be mad at someone/something because they weren't the one that made you upset or hurt in the first place.
Ex. somebody cheating on someone, somebody losing a basketball game, etc.
Player 1: Girlfriend
Player 2: Boyfriend
Player 3: Side-Chick

Player1: * walks in on Player 2&3 having an affair *
" What the heck is going on here and who is this? "

Player 2: " Oh shoot, baby I am so sorry. "

Player 3: " Who is this!! Are you his girlfriend or something? "

Player 1: " Yes actually I am. Did you know that we were dating?"

Player 3: " No! He told me he was single and that he loved me,"

Player 1: " Well, that's ok. I don't hate the player, hate the game!! "
by anothergalfromdahood July 10, 2018
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1. A simple excuse for anything.
2. Also coined in rap, drop hate on anything but other rappers.
1. "Dude WTF?!"
"Don't hate the player, hate the game.
2. Yo' man I ain't ever gonna diss your name
Cuz I'm not hating players, I'm hating the game
by error405 March 1, 2016
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A strategy used by a male to hook up with a female where he verbally abuses the woman in order to get the girl turned on and then subsequently bang him. The strategy is not playful flirting, it is attacking the girl's weight, looks, and/or intellect. Girls in their teens and 20's usually fall for this game because they cant resist assholes.
Joe: Bro, did you hear what Richard said to that chick? He called her an "ugly snaggletooth with chicken legs"!

Brad: Yeah, but his Hate Game works, though. I heard him banging that girl about five minutes ago.
by Ricks9 June 24, 2013
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First of all the other definitions of this are pretty much bullshit. Women can just as much have sex with lots of guys by using the same phrase. First thing you do if you have problems in relationship: Talk about and search for the mistake in you first, not at your partner...
No politician ever used this sentence to justify war.

This simply means you shouldn´t focus your hate on the guy who did something but rather on the system that gave him the opportunity to do so. Guy gets lots of money by being a ruthless banker? Stop trying to change or hate him. You should rather try to change the system that is giving him the chance to do so.
A: Holy shit dude, how can you be such a terrible person?

B: Dont hate the player hate the game.
by TheGoodMilk February 2, 2015
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Do not fault the successful participant in a flawed system; try instead to discern and rebuke that aspect of its organization which allows or encourages the behavior that has provoked your displeasure.
Teacher: You have plagarized this essay.
Student: Don't hate the player; hate the game.
by Player March 15, 2005
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