Someone who can't tell the difference between God and their own ego, nor Christian doctrine and their (disgusting) personal beliefs.
Substitute 'God' with 'I' in any Fundamentalist screed and you'll see why He never seems to disagree with them.
by Sesquiped August 17, 2014
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Somebody that lost contact with what their religion, or principles really are, and hurt people with their principles, mentally and physically.
by Christy October 12, 2003
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One who believes that principles are more important than people, or results.
Osama bin Laden
Tomas Torquemada
Jerry Falwell
Meir Kahane
Ted Unabomber

One can be a fundamentalist in any religious or secular creed.
by Chuck Hastings June 28, 2003
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One who complains about all works of fiction better then the one which they live by.
Those fundamentalists think comic books, video games, and role-playing games are works of the devil and all who enjoy them will burn in hell.
by Pyro Infernos April 23, 2006
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People so anal they think that they believe that they are right and rest of world is crazy and should listen to whatever they think so they dont go to hell
Man that dude is one fucked up person, ah hes a fundamenalist no wonder he thinks even enjoying sex is wrong.
by Mr Smartass October 18, 2004
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A person, or usually group of assholes who think the term "freedom of speech" means "oppress everyone with your views". Being that, in 99.9% of all cases in which fundamentalists are involved, religion or otherwise, there is not a single shred of solid evidence to support their claim, they usually attempt to use catch-phrases like "pro-life" and are often cited as "politically correct". George Bush is living proof that fundamentalists have corrupted an already religiously oppressive nation by enforcing their opinions over others, without the benifit of popular vote or atleast a response of "Hey, if you don't like it, don't do it, and leave me the fuck alone." Most non-fundamentalists don't give a shit if their dollar bills say "In God we trust", as long as they can buy what they need to and live their own fucking lives, without constantly interfering with others'.
If I don't want to stand for the pledge, I shouldn't have to.
If a woman would rather have an abortion than; have a child she will resent, cannot support, had from rape, endanger her own life, etc... she should be able to.
If a person wants to get a divorce, because their significant other is a fucking dickhead, they should be allowed.
If someone believes that committing certian acts will condemn them to a firey hell, as based on an elaborate book of myth, they should be able to.
If someone commits an act described by a book of myth to be a sin, and they do not believe the fairytales described in said book, they shouldn't have to take shit for it.
by TrippleZero May 1, 2005
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One who believes in an idea as "fundamental," the absolute, literal truth, adheres to the ORIGINAL version of the idea, is prepared to take action based on that belief, and is unlikely to change their mind.

Often misdefined as "fanatic". A person can be a fanatic and a fundamentalist, or only a fundamentalist, or only a fanatic, or neither.

The action taken by a fundamentalist depends on the nature of their belief. It can be a personal action which affects no one else, or an action which affects tens of thousands of others, or something in between. Can be positive or negative.

Can apply to any religion or ideology, also of a method of or pertaining to fundamentals.
Two of the most common usages:

"islaamic fundamentalist" - generally stereotyped as jihaadist. Not necessarily so.

"christian fundamentalist" - generally stereotyped as bigoted and in-your-face. Again, not necessarily so.

And a correct but uncommon use:
Music teacher: "You need to learn your instrument's fundamentals before you can play solos."
Kid: "Teacher is a fundamentalist."

by I have fundamentals too February 2, 2008
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