A ship between Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown. This ship is 1000% NOT REAL and fans need to chill. Because fans insist on fillie and whenever Millie and Finn hang out they get never-ending messages asking if they are dating Finn and Millie do not hang out anymore.
"Ship the characters not the people" - Millie Bobby Brown
Mileven is totally really though.
Person A: Hey do you ship Fillie?
A: Yeah I know right fans need to stop insisting on it
B: Hell yeah they do.
by sheepgrazer January 14, 2018
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n. fil-ee
noun, plural: -lies

Typically refers to 13-30 year old female fans of the 2010 reboot of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Similar as, but not to be confused with: "brony" (bro+pony) which is more often used for the male equivalent. It is a well-known and undisputed fact that bronies are on average about...20% more awesome due to their rarity.
ex. "You wouldn't think she would still watch that show at her age, but she's obsessed. She's a total filly!"
by LottieTheLolita August 19, 2011
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A female horse up to THREE years of age not two you dumbass.
Look, that filly just kicked the shit out of that loser!
by Missing8519 August 20, 2005
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In the card game of cribbage, it is defined as a crib containing zero points.
"Oh man, Shane got a Filly!"
by Showels April 12, 2019
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The best ship ever. Between Millie Bobby Brown and Finn Wolfhard.
Millie; Do I like Finn? I LOVE Finn
Finn; Like Gatenness and Millieness
by fillieisthebomb.com November 12, 2017
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a crackhead ship between stranger things actors finn wolfhard and millie bobby brown; commonly known as sin or incest :)
wow what kind of crackasses ship fillie.. imagine that.
by fackshipper666 January 16, 2018
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1. A female race horse, especially one who races stallions and beats them

2. A confident, strong, muscular, athletic woman
1. I'll pick a filly over a gelding any time.

2. The 100 meter women's Olympic final will be a Battle of the Fillies
by Strongboy February 14, 2012
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