A Piece of literal shit he sucks at fortnite and cannot play soccer he is a shit goal keeper and he just sucks and stinks and pulls no bitches at all and never fucking will
oh look its Anaz


hello good sir did you know Anaz's getting females percentage is -0%
by FATfuck69420 February 22, 2020
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fucking gay boy he is not cooler than hussien albarminy the homie
"yo stop being a arda anaz bro!"
by THEHOMEI94ir October 11, 2020
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Da Anaz is slang for Santa Ana, witch is one of the biggest citys located in the OC. With a population of over 600,000 people, about 70% are Mexican.
by Vannessa B July 30, 2008
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A extraordinary human that is over the top ambitious as well as having a neurotic drive. This type of person is authentic and has this zealous aura that surrounds them; quiet irreplaceable if I do say myself! Never astray from this newfangled god because of the rarity of the find.
I have never came across such a genuinely anazing being! What a rare gem!
by HappyTrigger August 3, 2020
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Something better than Amazing! Like, something unique, cool, exciting, and so much more!
“That Noah Schnapp merch is anazing!”
“Yep, sure is! Haha.”
by Fredrick Yellow is the best November 28, 2020
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