4 definitions by ur local

a really sarcastic but kind girl, normally brown or red haired with blue-green eyes. she loves to sing and dance when she’s home alone and isn’t scared to give her opinion. she can be very quiet but also very enthusiastic and outgoing. she loves a good series, preferably thrillers. she knows a lot of people but is a closed book to everyone she doesn’t know well. it takes a lot of work to make her open up to you. all of her friends think she’s really cute. her style is casual and she likes to skate even though she isn’t very good. she’s really insecure about herself even though she shouldn’t. lieve’s are very fun to be around since they are very funny and spontaneous. if you are lucky to have a lieve in your life you shouldn’t let her walk away.
boy: holy shit have u seen that new girl? she’s so cute!
girl: that’s lieve, she’s in my science class, she’s hilarious
by ur local December 27, 2019
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lieve is the best friend ever. she looks out for all of her friends and will do anything to make them feel happy and secure. she’s so caring and hilarious. whenever you’re feeling sad lieve can make your day better. she’s really sarcastic but in a fun way. if you have a lieve in your life you should keep her. she’s a one of a kind.
p1: isn’t that lieve?
p2: yeah! she’s so cool! i wish she was my friend!
by ur local December 27, 2019
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hosay is a beautiful girl, normally black wavy hair, brown eyes, a soft personality and a healthy sense of humor. she’s the girl you like to be around cause of her enthusiasm. she radiates positive energy like no one else does. hosay’s are keepers, you’re lucky to have one in your life.
hosay is such a sweetheart i love her - lieve :)
by ur local December 27, 2019
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if you have a hosay in your life, make sure to keep them close :) they’re the sweetest!
p1: hosay is such sweet girl
p2: yeah!
by ur local December 27, 2019
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