32 definitions by testicles...that is all

Using empty boxes, bags, bottles, etc. to fill with garbage before actually throwing them (and the garbage) away, rather than recycling them and waiting for them to be reincarnated as a box, bag, or bottle made from recycled goods.
Clerk: "Would you like a bag?"
Customer: "Yes please. I don't really need it to carry this stuff, but I'll be precycling it because my bathroom trash can is full and consequently needs a new liner."
Clerk: "How very clever of you. Is that really a word?"
Customer: "Urban Dictionary thinks so, so... yes."
by testicles...that is all October 10, 2009
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Euphamism/idiom used in describing someone so hot you would eat their poo in reference to the infamous "two girls one cup" video that made more people puke than Rosie O'Donnell in a lingerie... an impressive feat.
Blanka: That stripper was ridiculously hot. If she didn't have like 23 STD's I'd one cup her.

Guile: Shit that just adds to the flavor man, I'd totally 1 cup her. Sonic Boom!
by testicles...that is all November 4, 2007
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Fancy way of saying "Outside the box thinking." I'm putting it on here before it makes it's way into the corporate world like such phrases as "going forward," "in interim," and "outside the box."
Joe: We've got to ship these orders, and UPS has already come today! What will we do???

Steve: Use some circumboxive ideology, Joe. FedEx hasn't arrived yet. Use them. Or the UPS store is open all day. Jeesh.
by testicles...that is all October 2, 2009
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A hypothetical terminal illness borne from living in excess. Known to the state of California to cause supercancersyphillaids.
I chew gum all the time; I can't wait until they find out it causes supercanceraids.

Man that pipe dope smells funny. Probably get the supercanceraids from it.
by testicles...that is all August 4, 2011
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