20 definitions by tellitizaman

when a person constantly talks shit and is in need of a good flushing of their thoughts and concepts.
it appears bill needs another brain enema hes over there talking up a good batch of shit again.
by tellitizaman May 25, 2011
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living up to his name ol limp dick Bob scored us another o z of impotent weed.
by tellitizaman September 11, 2010
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flab is an acronym for "fucking lazy ass bitch".
after six months of marriage cindy turned out to be the queen of flab.
by tellitizaman September 5, 2010
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cumming before your partner even in your fantasies.
dave had to see a shrink as well as his regular doctor due to his excessive bouts of prematurimagination.
by tellitizaman September 6, 2010
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the act of a female giving someone sex.
dont waste your time or money on that bartender the only one shes giving it up to is her boyfriend the bouncer.
by tellitizaman September 15, 2010
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to die due to one too many loads while partaking in the act of bukkake.
Spermatogeddon was the perfect name for the first ever porn snuff film.
by tellitizaman September 16, 2010
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the act of exposing the male genitalia at any water sport or exhibition.
i cant believe hank decided to pull a freewillie at seaworld.
by tellitizaman September 2, 2010
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