23 definitions by someone on the date of :

Slang for when you take a Viagra.
Dude, i had to pop a joe last night because i had limp dick.
by someone on the date of : October 24, 2018
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Someone who talks shit that no one can understand, and is always the but of the joke. They are also very clumsy and somehow manage to get their tongue caught in everything.
Dude 1: Have you seen the new kid, Jerry?
Dude 2: Yeah, i have. Not to be offensive, but he is a jar-jar binks.
by someone on the date of : October 24, 2018
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Slang for homosexual rubbing of penises.
Homo dude 1: Hey, we should go CockinKnockin tonight!
Homo dude 2 : I would love that!
by someone on the date of : October 22, 2018
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When a Chinese person looks you in the eyes like they are looking into your soul. Like Jackie Chan, they invisibly punch you in the nuts. You know when you've had one. It is known as the imminent sign of coming death.

Not to be confused with the Chinese Death Star. We all know its coming.
Dude 1 : Man, i am so creeped out. I got the Chinese death stare yesterday!
Dude 2 : OH NO! your going to die!
by someone on the date of : October 24, 2018
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When you have sex only because you're bored.
Not to be confused with Board Sex, which is when you have sex with a 2 by 4.
Ugh, yesterday i had bored sex, their was nothing else to do.
by someone on the date of : October 22, 2018
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Dude, me and my girl were pluggin' up last night, she is so tight!
by someone on the date of : October 24, 2018
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(similar to daffyducking ) When you are giving a girl oral sex and you then take a rodent, preferably a mouse, and push it into the said girl's vaginal tunnel. This then causes severe orgasms.
Dum ass dude 1 : Yo, me and my girl were daffyducking last night
Dum ass dude 2 : That aint got nothin' on me and my girl, we went mickey mousin'
by someone on the date of : October 22, 2018
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