500 definitions by mark

love me right, rub me hard
i expecgt some hockdizzle tonight.
by mark September 27, 2003
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Someone who gives hand jobs for drugs, Usually crack
I was walking down the street and saw that Cuntox Shannon offering hand jobs for crack
by mark November 25, 2003
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A chiefly southern expression used as a derogatory term towards someone who is acting unusually whiney, timid, or otherwise cowardly.
Quit being such a tittie baby and go kick that rottweiler in the nuts!
by mark March 24, 2004
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1: Noun- A person who has been known to have a way of confusing you, but still makes it all right.
2: Verb - To catch on fire, set an item on fire, to mispell the easyest of words.
1: "Geeze. the way you said that makes you sound like Zoi"
2: "Well..you see.. I pulled a sort of Zoi and set my let on fire"
by mark November 27, 2003
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Same as king shit, only female.
That little tramp thinks she's queen shit.
by mark February 16, 2005
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