11 definitions by m.c. phatback

When it is uncertain if a woman is several months pregnant or is just developing a nice beer gut
Anna: Did you see that lady at the party last night wiht the tube top and an ambigubump?

Robert: Hell yeah, she was gettin' fucked up like a rental car! I thought about saying something but couldn't quite tell if she was preggars or not.
by m.c. phatback April 17, 2010
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Anna: Did you see the dress Olivia was wearing earlier. It looked like it came from an Orlando flea market!

Rob: The gaudacity!!
by m.c. phatback October 3, 2011
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Anna: I can't wait to see that new Mathew McConaughey, Kate Hudson movie.

Rob: I don't mean to fart on your cornflakes, but I heard its just as bad as their previous movies.
by m.c. phatback December 1, 2009
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The inevitable mix of two popular music genres: country and dubstep.
Erich: Hey friend, what is that awesome music you've got bumping?

Rob: I'm glad you asked amigo. It's off the new "NOW Thats What I Call Cunt-Step 5!". Pretty awesome, huh?
by m.c. phatback February 13, 2013
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When one is 90% sure they are going to fart but there is an outside chance they may shart, so just to be safe they seek out the nearest toilet.
If you'll excuse a moment, I have to go make a safety-shart. I don't want a repeat of what happened last week when I shat my britches.
by m.c. phatback July 8, 2014
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When someone does something that is absolutely unforgiveable.
Oh I aint even speakin' her name name anymore. We got permabeef!
by m.c. phatback August 13, 2010
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When ones bowels suddenly revolt and overthrow the status quo of unsoiled pants.
Oh man, you better pull over here! I think that shrimp at Cap'n D's was bad and I'm about to have a poo d'etat in my pants.
by m.c. phatback December 18, 2009
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