21 definitions by jonesy

A male name which originates from the Basque country in Spain. a typically attractive and irresistable guy, who lies 100% of the time.
by jonesy June 29, 2004
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You're banging a girl and right before you blow, you push her out the window. Try to hit her on the way down...Target Practice!!
I had this sloot over last night in the penthouse...shit got boring so we did a little target practice!
by jonesy April 8, 2005
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A piece of paper designed to assist people while eating. What many people with a lack of table manners don't seem to realize is that a napkin serves a purpose. The most important thing is so that people WILL STOP SUCKING (or licking) THEIR FINGERS WHEN THEY EAT!!!!
People who suck their fingers when they eat are gross. This is a very nasty habit. Not that they care of course.
by jonesy December 11, 2004
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The act of anal penetration or a person who enjoys said act.

A foolish, oafish individual.
"My woman doesn't appreciate when I try to corn haul her."

"That corn hauler wore my shoes home."
by jonesy March 21, 2003
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An ugly little teenage thug with dodgey ginger hair
"how man make az a rooley ginga"
by jonesy January 31, 2003
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The British word for a homosexual (see faggit, homo, gay) that is one of many variations of someone who desires someone of their same gender. See example below
"Ya poof! You tryin ta bugger me?"
by jonesy March 22, 2005
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