3 definitions by jill harrison

Someone who is as numb as the day is long. When said person makes a stupid error no one else would ever do, or admit to anyway.
"You Numpty" you've just run over the cat!. The shear numptyness of the man was unbelievable.
by jill harrison November 2, 2006
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Something you made earlier, usually refers to a spliff or reefer, where you have made one at some other time and are now ready to smoke it.
Can also refer to cookery.
Ah look, I've found a blue peter, what a top do. It's ok I've made a blue peter.
by jill harrison November 2, 2006
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A babyshart is when you’re sitting with your friends and anticipate a big blow, so leave to use the bathroom. After arriving a realizing that you only had a bit of diarrhea, disappointment strikes. you later gather your belongings and leave.
Bob: “hey guys i really gotta go

20 minutes later….

Jeff:” why back so soon Bob?”

Bob:” it was a babyshart”
by jill harrison December 14, 2021
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