633 definitions by jake

(1) to gain access to something

(2) to have sexual relations with a female

(3) an untapped resource is a female who hasnt been with a man yet (a.k.a. a virgin) or a quiet girl with a lot of potential that not many people rate or notice
(1) We tapped the second keg of beer just before 9 pm.

(2) I tapped her on our second date.

(3) That new girl in my tutorial is an untapped resource, everyone thinks she's a nerd.....but I just know it can be tapped!
by jake February 18, 2004
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Homework: (Noun) a punishment given to students by evil teachers after the students have already put in 7 hours of hard labor. (See evil, torture, wrong, cruel, unjust, satan, crap)
my satan teacher gave me crap
by jake January 19, 2005
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agreeing with someone in a conversation; derived from the language Jag
Scooter Mcdoogle: "You wanna get drunk?" Jake Schrader: "oh hey!"
by jake January 8, 2005
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We were best of friends, I treated her like the lady she was. One night she decided to offer me her v-unit. That was when I learned she was a virgin.
by jake January 11, 2004
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(noun) rubbing a female until she agrees to have sex with you. Starts with her shoulders, neck and back, but if you can get her undressed, progresses to rubbing her vulva.
Ron gave Briegetha a rubdown, beginning with her neck, shoulders, and back, progressing to rubbing the back of her legs thru her jeans, then eventually charming her down to her underpants. Next he moved from rubbing her inner thighs to massaging her vulva.
by jake March 24, 2004
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a vegetable, one of several that make for an excellent "penis". Available in various lengths and circumferences. Best washed and dried before use (who knows where they've been !) Similar to zuchini, carrots, cucumbers.
When she has to come home alone on Saturday night, she cozies up to her vegetable bin and chooses her mate from among the cucumbers, zuchini, carrots and leeks.
by jake February 26, 2004
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Also known as The Dominator I guess. It's like the shocker but with two in the stink.
Damn that brutha's brave, he's giving that nasty girl the spocker
by jake August 2, 2004
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