25 definitions by holly the ginger kid.

The reg kids are the kids in regular classes. They are usually unfit for society. They can be found smearing feces on the walls of highschools and having sex without using any sort of protection. They usually drop out of school after getting pregnant or getting expelled for drug possesion.
John-Did you see that reg pissing in the soap dispenser.
Max-Yeah. I hate those filthy reg kids.
by holly the ginger kid. August 25, 2007
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Heaven when you want fries. Hell when you want breakfast at any time past 10:30 on weekdays and 11:00 on weekends. Although all of their breakfast choices taste exactly the same they are still delicious.
**Cop pulls woman over**
Cop-Excuse me but you were going one hundred miles over the speed limit.
by holly the ginger kid. May 6, 2007
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A place worse than hell where everybody talks about everybody behind their back then talks about how they hate two faced people. Its even worse when you are at private middle school because there are only ten people in the whole school and if you don't like them youre screwed. The only way to survive is to be fake and then you hate yourself for being fake. You're just starting to go through puberty so your face is covered in zits and the people who haven't gone through puberty make fun of you for it. All the girls except a select few wear padded bras that make them into DDs when they're only an A cup and everybody hates each other. If you're in public middle school everybody are punk poseurs that listen to avril lavigne, good charlotte, and simple plan and cut themselves. If you're in private everybody wears Hollister and pretends to be perfect while listening to whatevers on MTV and only pretending to like it. Everybody fakes Starbucks obsessions when really they can't stand it.
Girl 1- OMG I love frappacinos sooo freakin' much!!!
Me-Then why aren't you drinking yours. You've been holding it for three hours.
Girl 1-I am drinking it. *pretends to suck on straw*
Me-(sarcastically) Yeah. Sure.
Me- That doesn't make any sense. I fucking hate middle school.
by holly the ginger kid. May 5, 2007
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Something people like to bash on urbandictionary because they don't have the willpower nor the mercy to become vegan/vegetarian.
Joe was fat and loved fried chicken. He didn't have the willpower to stop eatin fried chicken so to make himself feel better instead of joining PETA he wrote a mean definition about PETA on urbandictionary. Now he feels better about eating fried chicken and he will continue to eat it until he dies in a few days from heart disease.
by holly the ginger kid. August 5, 2007
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An old or southern woman's excuse to insult people without being rude.
Old lady-That little girl has a face only a mother could love. Bless her little heart.

Southern woman-Your mother is a whore who sleeps around. Bless your heart.
by holly the ginger kid. June 1, 2007
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The best video game thingy ever. Plus, if it stopped working, all you had to do was blow on the game and it magically worked again.
Kid-Nintendo 64 is retarded. I have Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, PS, PS2, et cetera.

Me-So why would you get all those game systems and spend tons of money on them when you could just play Nintendo 64 and have just as much, if not more, fun?

Kid-So I can brag to all my friends. All I want is to fit in. **cries**
by holly the ginger kid. June 4, 2007
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