43 definitions by hex_ten

a "l33t H4X0r" also known as crash override, from the movie hackers, he "pwns all joo ll4m4s", apparently
dade murphy is l33t as zer0c00l
by hex_ten November 22, 2003
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the act of going from one piece to many pieces in a short space of time, C4 or TNT used to speed up process
hoho, look at him, he's blowing up *SPLAT*
by hex_ten December 1, 2003
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like colour at hyperspeed, too fast to see
"did you see that van, it was hypercolour!"
by hex_ten December 3, 2003
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one who must post more definitions than the rest of the world, strives to be humorous
ahahah! thats 5032 definitions! im on a roll today
by hex_ten December 17, 2003
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A hooker with rabies, who froths.
eewwwwwwww, that is fucked up dude
by hex_ten December 24, 2004
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The zombie check is for when you wake up after a hard nights drinking and aren't sure if you are alive or not,

This simple test involves getting a shotgun and having your left leg blown off. If you didn't mind that much and are alive in 6 hours you pass the test and you have conclusive proof you are a zombie.

The test can be used on siblings and friends if you suspect at all that they may indeed be the walking dead.

This test does not make you very popular with the test subject, but hey, at least you know for sure!
"I thought I was a zombie so performed the test, turns out I was!! So I spend 4 months in rehab and haven't eaten brains since!"

"thanks to the zombie check i havent been attacked by a real zombie for months, now i can be certain!"
by hex_ten January 28, 2006
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also primarily known as "trinity" blows shit to hell with the glow of 1000 suns, apparantly
set up in A.D 2101 after war was begining
by hex_ten November 24, 2003
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