40 definitions by g-diggity

To live in the country, far away from any major city or urban center. Living in Suburbia does not count.

Living in the sticks requires a person to reside in an area that is well forested, has farmland, and maybe some dirt roads.

Because people live in these rural areas, they are surrounded by trees, which are known as sticks. Trees are a most common thing in these areas...

Folks who live in the sticks are often refferred to as:hicks or country blumpkins or rednecks or hillbilly or farmer or ruralite

Language- English, interspersed with poor grammar and lots of double negatives.

Contrast- concrete jungle,suburbs,city
Kruti: Where do you live?
Ankit: Far away from civiliztion.
Kruti: Oh, you live in the country! Living in the sticks, eh?
Ankit: Yeah, the nearest convienence store is 20 miles away.
by g-diggity May 19, 2008
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A post-season football game played by the top ranked teams in NCAA Football.

In college football parlance, the term "bowl" can also be used as a verb: as in a successful team going "bowling".

The term "bowl" originated from the Rose Bowl Stadium, site of the first post-season college football games.

There are Tiers of bowl games too, some are more prestigous. The Rosebowl, Orange Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, Sugar Bowl, and Cotton bowl all have a great history, and are known for having the top ranked teams.

Teams must be in the BCS Bowl Champion Series subdivision.
Chuck: I heard Ohio state is going to the Rose Bowl this year.
Gnarles: Yeah, they go to that bowl game because they are a great team.
Chuck: Crappier teams like Kansas State get to go to the Texas Bowl.
Gnarles: Yeah, and Rutgers Destroys them!
by g-diggity December 1, 2007
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When a surveillance team blatently exposes themselves on purpose, and then dissapears completely, giving a suspect false security.

Based on how dolphins are observed in the ocean...

"now you see us, now you don't"

A sloppy and easy to spot team trails a suspect, gets noticed, and then after awhile, they stop pursuing the suspect. The suspect realizes that the people spying on him have stopped, and then gets a false sense of security.

It would be as if the people tailing you had left you for a picnic. (or so you think...)

But instead of the sloppy team tailing the suspect, a new upscaled professional team moves in to do surveillance, with precision and fixed posts.
Jon: There were two people following us, and they were out of place; not dressed like most people in Manhatten...It is SO obvious that they are following us, i've noticed them twice today...
David: Yes, but now they aren't anywhere to be seen... It's like they dissapeared on us.
Jon: Diana told me about this, it's dolphin surveillance!
by g-diggity May 28, 2008
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The title given to the last pizza served at "all you can eat" pizza. It has a ginormous amount of cheese on it, but very little sauce.

The purpose of the Cheeseosaurus Rex is to get people to stop eating pizza. The thought behind this is that cheese fills people up so they will not be able to order any more pizza.
Scott: let's have another pizza; our eigth one.
Rob: SHIT MAN! here comes the cheeseosaurus rex!
Kenny: wtf?
Rob: that's when they put a crapload of cheese on the pie to make you stop eating.
by g-diggity June 13, 2006
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The use of two negatives, which cancel each other out.

"a syntactic construction in which two negative words are used in the same clause to express a single negation."

"He didn't say nothing" MEANS- He said something.
"I ain't not never gunna do it" MEANS- I will do it.
"There is not nobody who will go" MEANS- Someone will go.
"I don't want nothing" MEANS- I want something.
"We don't need no education" MEANS- We need education.

If a man did not say nothing, that means he said something.
If a woman does not need NO education, it means that she needs SOME education...
Arlene:You're 20 years old and don't have a job!
Eli:Yeah well i aint not never gunna get one.
Arlene:that's a double negative, you oxymoron!
Eli:Huh? wuss tha?
Arlene:You cancelled yourself out, and made like ur GUNNA get a job...lord knows that aint the truth.
Eli:Stop being such a pansy ass know it all
by g-diggity May 20, 2008
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A message that conveys information about a recently missing or abducted person, usually displayed on electronic signs positioned along roadways. This message is broadcast by mass media, intended to enlist the public's help in finding the abducted person and often in catching the abductor.

It is an acronym for "America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response"

It was named in honor of 9 year old Amber Hagerman, who was abducted and murdered.
Lady: did you hear about elizabeth smart?
Man: No, who's that?
Lady: She was abducted, i heard about it on the news.
Trucker: She's right. There's an Amber Alert on her, i saw the broadcast along I-80 this morning.
Man: oh.
by g-diggity May 29, 2006
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SUSSEX COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE; A community college located in Sussex County, New Jersey.

It is a stepping stone to bigger, better colleges. People go there for 2 years for cheap, and then they go to Boston or PennState.

It is nicknamed "HARVARD ON THE HILL"

The motto is "Start here, go anywhere"

Local kids deem it as trash, saying that they would never attend. The irony is that 25% of local seniors end up going there.

Local kids can go for free if they are in the top 20 percentile in high school.

The soccer team is apparently ranked very high.
I'll go to SCCC for two years and then go to Rutgers

Other schools cost money, so i'll go to SCCC for FREE!

by g-diggity June 4, 2006
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