15 definitions by diddy kong

trick + itch

when u feel an itch and scratch it, but it doesn't go away, and you can't seem to figure out where the itch is for about a minute but its for sure in that area. that minute will drive ordinary ppl insane
man i feel an itch but i cant figure out where it is

tricitch homie lifes a bitch yo
by diddy kong December 23, 2008
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the feeling a girl feels when a man brags about being well endowed, building up anticipation for the female, and later she gets him in bed, only to find out he is very small, and unable to satisfy her

( dick + disappointed )
Tj laid me down last night, my after all that bragging needless to say I was very dick-sappointed

black guys with small dicks cause a lot of dick-sappointment
by diddy kong September 28, 2009
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having school or work on monday, and not being able to get to sleep on sunday.

usually it carries over, and makes it really easy to get to sleep on monday night, although sometimes a little too early
I got 3 fuckin hours of sleep last night because of the damn sunday curse
by diddy kong September 10, 2007
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when the alpha male bites the head of a giggle stick a little while being thrusted by a black man going balls deep, and when it hurts, he bites down hard causing it to pop off like decapitation.
fenno decapitated holla whilst grace was teaching fenno the Heimlich's maneuver if you know what i mean
by diddy kong March 28, 2007
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a crucial component to teenage story telling, to describe the storytellers view on said story.
white girl: "Nikki was like with him the whole night...i was like what a slut."

black dude: "this bitch wouldn't leave me the fuck alone! i was like damn bitch, you aint even that pretty, plus you aint got no ass."
by diddy kong September 17, 2009
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a shorter way to say Dominican Republic (o La República Dominicana)
my boy José is from D.R.

es simplisímo
by diddy kong September 13, 2009
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a word usually used by white nerds to seem cool, because all they do all day is stick tootsie rolls up their hershey hole and play WoW and xbox 360 live
tj had bamf in his profile on xbox live, but we all knew he was really a ngwpwowwwbid (nerdy geek who plays world of warcraft while watching babies in diapers)
by diddy kong April 13, 2007
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