11 definitions by andy M

Like a normal backslap, only harder, and thus more painful.
"By the time this loads I could Korean Backslap her 5 times!"
by andy M August 18, 2003
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The epitome of being crushy. Having the characteristics of one who many of the opposite sex find crush-worthy.
Son of a Pope, that guy/girl is the crushiest!

Andy M is the crushiest man alive!
by andy M September 5, 2003
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shittiest town you'll find in Eastern Pennslyvania. Filled with "gansta's" "skaters" "punks" etc. etc. Is also soon to be considered the 'sixth borough of new york city'. is inhabbited with all the idoit new yorkers (we never get any of the cool ones, just the idoits)
Can't wait to graduate and move out of Stroudsburg.
by andy M April 22, 2005
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stupid, retarded, or annoying

mostly used in chatting, but can be used in real life if you are a complete dork
Guest30403: YO U GOT ANY GAMEZ!~? MP3S!?
gordo: r33t.
by andy M April 7, 2004
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a person who overestimates their own importance and exhibits arrogant or pompous behavior
aka lunchmeat
That self-important bitch just cut in front of us in line; she's too busy lunchmeating on her cell phone to notice anyone but herself.
by andy M April 2, 2004
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acting like a lunchmeat
eg, talking loudly on cell phone about stupid, pointless shit, or just acting like a dumb ditz
Look at all those idiot girls lunchmeating across the restaurant.. we're nearly 50 feet away, and I can STILL hear their retarded laughter.
by andy M April 2, 2004
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easy + bone
indicates that either someone is an easy lay or that someone is well-worth laying
Jon: ezbone

Rob: Jess is teh ezbone 4 real
Mike: Whats her #??
by andy M November 21, 2005
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