182 definitions by al-in-chgo

Roughousing, sometimes mock-wrestling, usually between two boys of similar age. "Horseplay" at first glance looks like actual fighting or wrestling until the more playful "fooling around" element become visible, but horseplay sometimes can deteriorate into real fighting.

A Midwestern urban regionalism means the same but includes a "get your back" connotation: grabass. No one considers that homoerotic.
"I told you, boys, no horseplay standing in line. You're not getting into the theater if you don't stop fooling around like that."
by al-in-chgo August 18, 2010
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Common misspelling of "detumescence."

See "detumescence."
"There's a typo in your script. You wrote "detumecence" when it should have been "detumescence."

"Oh, no one will catch that."

"Just you wait and see."

by al-in-chgo March 20, 2010
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Feeling mixed emotions, conflicted. Often implies an inability to feel and express primary emotions (love, fear, anger) without dissonant conflicts brought in from earlier issues or experiences.

Recent TV ad:

"I just got a text from my BFF Becky. She said she just kissed Johnny. That's a problem, because I like Johnny, and Becky's not even hot. Now I'm emotionally compromised (smashes pink SUV into completely innocent person's car in mall parking lot)."

by al-in-chgo August 23, 2010
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1. Southernism. Adds a certain repugnance to describe an idea, remark or occurrence that fell flat, killed conversation, was socially unacceptable, or went over like the proverbial lead balloon.

2. Similarly, a gauche, socially inept or unwelcome person who has a stultifying effect on social gatherings, or, by extension, was involved in some futile or hugely unpopular effort.
1. -- "All I did was tell one harmless little dirty joke and the whole room went silent. Apparently I had crossed some kind of taboo. No one even chuckled at the joke; it was a veritable turd in the punchbowl. I felt like one too, since the whole party immediately seized up and everyone stared at me."

2.(a) -- "There we were discussing local politics, and who shows up uninvited and parks himself right in the middle of our group? Little Georgie, the mayor's brat, who has an unerring sense of inappropriateness. I'd rather see a turd in the punch bowl than have to deal with that nuisance."

(b) "Practically everyone in town was in favor of a weeknight youth curfew, but as usual our "freethinking" pastor went contrary and opposed it. He didn't change anyone's mind. I think he's a jinx! A turd in the punch bowl of civic affairs."
by al-in-chgo March 1, 2010
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A type of superstition, a chant that is uttered when something physically gets in the way of a couple, such as a pole or another person on the street. Origin: USA, early 1920's. Alternative: "Salt and Pepper."
"Oh, we've got to let that bicyclist through."

(They drop hands to let the bicyclist pass in between.)
"Bread and butter." -- "Bread and butter."
by al-in-chgo March 21, 2019
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Short for "tattoo sleeve": A tattoo that covers all or most of a person's forearm, as though it were the sleeve of a shirt.
Duane ("The Rock") Johnson has a very impressive tat sleeve.
by al-in-chgo August 14, 2012
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A recent definition for "Pozzie" is slang for an affirmative vote for the query that appears alongside every Amazon amateur review:

"Was this review helpful to you? YES/NO."

A healthy and growing number of "Pozzies" are customarily thought to enhance one's competitive standing in Amazon rankings.
"Good Lord! I picked up three Pozzies yesterday on my review of LIFE AMONG THE SAVAGES."

"So people are still reading Shirley Jackson? Good."
by al-in-chgo June 5, 2013
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